Current Projects

Our current focus is on a project that will help Far Away Friends, a ministry within Connect to Uganda, in association with the Lutheran Church of Uganda. We have already raised and donated $500, which was matched by the Lutheran Church of Uganda for the construction of a chicken coop in Bubago, Uganda. According to our contact, “Women in this project will receive training and capital to raise chickens that will produce eggs and later be sold as fryers.”

We are excited to announce that the chicken house is complete in the village of Bubago! The women in the Connect to Uganda Far Away Friends poultry project have completed their training, purchased the chickens, and they now have eggs! We are so proud these women for their dedication and eagerness to learn a new life skill that will help them support their families. We want to thank each and every one of our supporters who have made this project possible, with your support, you have changed the lives of these women and their families. What a blessing to help feed His children.